Child Care Provider Resources

Child care providers play a vital role in assisting Child Care Services by offering quality child care choices and helping families become self-sufficient.      WSCT contracts with a large number of licensed child care centers and licensed and/or registered child care homes in Central Texas to ensure families have a large variety of options.

How To Become A Provider

To become an eligible provider and recieve funding from WSCT Child Care Services, your early learning program must meet these requirements:

1. Have a current license with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services child care regulation

For more information on child care regulations & standards, visit the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services website.

2. Be a Licensed Child Care Center (LCCC), a Licensed Child Care Home (LCCH), a Registered Child Care Home (RCCH), or be operated and monitored by the United States military services

3. Be in Compliance with State and Federal Programs

  • The provider cannot currently be on corrective or adverse action with child care regulation.
  • Debarred from either state or federal programs such as the child food and nutrition program.
Once the above requirements are met, you will need to contact us to complete the authorization process. You must have the following documentation to proceed:
  • A copy of your license or permit from Texas Department of Family and Protective Services child care regulation or the United States military.
  • A copy of the rates you charge for child care for all age groups for which you provide services.

Texas Child Care Connection Attendance System

The new Texas Workforce Commission’s Child Care Connection (TX3C) Attendance system went live May 17, 2023. This system is used by both parents and providers.

Click here for more information.

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has decided that our new child care program, Texas Child Care Connection (TX3C) is still not quite ready for production use.

It has been postponed indefinitely, but should be active within the next few months. Therefore, the prospective, or advance payments, have been postponed. Anything else that was going to start on 09/01/24, such as reduced Parent Share of Cost, collecting weekly or bi-weekly, etc. has also been postponed.

Please continue to notify CCS when a child is absent 5 consecutive days so we can contact the parent to see if they still need care.

Also, continue to report Parent Share of Cost non-payment on the 5th day after it was due (example: due on Monday, report on Friday).

Please remind parents they must be using the KinderSystems attendance system consistently. Days not completed will be counted as absences effective with the activation of the new TX3C system.

Child Care Provider Maximum Reimbursement Rates

Child Care Provider Repayment Schedule

Quality Child Care Project Provider Calendar

Quality Child Care Initiatives

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is a statewide program within HHS for families with children birth up to age 3, with developmental delays, disabilities or certain medical diagnoses that may impact development. 

A child care/pre-K partnership is a collaboration between public-school pre-K and child care programs. This is also called an “early learning partnership.” Texas Rising Star Three- and Four-Star certified programs are eligible for pre-K partnerships.

Click here to learn more.

Pre-K Partnership interest Form


T.E.A.C.H (Teacher Education and Compensation Helps) Early Childhood Texas Scholarship Program is an educational scholarship opportunity for early childhood educators who work in the licensed childcare setting across Texas.

Online childcare training courses with certificates for workers looking to complete state-mandated training requirements, CDA renewals, more.

Child care providers like you provide a valuable service to the state of Texas. You help parents find the quality child care they need and play a vital role in growing the economy. We’re ready to assist you in many ways, from funding to business coaching to online tools and resources. 

Learn more. 

The Texas Rising Star program is a quality rating and improvement system for child care programs in Texas. Texas Rising Star programs meet a level of quality that exceeds Child Care Regulation standards.  All child care programs serving children in TWC’s Child Care Services (CCS) scholarship program must participate in the Texas Rising Star program.

Effective March 31, 2023 all child care programs serving children in TWC’s CCS scholarship program must participate in the Texas Rising Star program at least at the Entry Level. Additionally, child care programs that serve CCS children will need to meet star-level quality certification by September 30, 2024. More details are available on the Texas Rising Star website

Download the TRS Provider Brochure in English.

Provider FAQ

Texas School Ready!™ is a program that certifies preschool education classrooms that effectively prepared their students for kindergarten. Teachers from child care centers, Head Start programs, and public school pre-kindergarten can participate.

When classrooms earn certification, they receive the Texas School Ready!™ seal with the year the certification was awarded. This tells parents and the community that the children who graduated from these classrooms went on to public school with the fundamental skills to be successful.

Learn More About How TSR Works

Useful Links

The Workforce Solutions Of Central Texas System Is An Equal Opportunity Employer/Programs. Equal Opportunity Is The Law.
Auxiliary Aids And Services Are Available Upon Request To People With Disabilities.
Relay Texas: 711 • TDD: 1-800-735-2989 • Voice: tel:800-735-2988


Privacy Policy

At Workforce Solutions of Central Texas, we hold your privacy in the highest regard. We assure you that your personal information is not shared with any third parties. This privacy policy is designed to clearly outline how we collect, use, and protect the information you provide.

Information Collection:
We collect only the information necessary to provide and improve our services. This may include name, email address, etc. We do not sell, rent, or share this information with third parties.

How We Use Your Information:
The information collected is used solely for communicating with the intended party. We may use the information provided to communicate with you via phone, text (SMS), and email. We do not share your information with external parties for marketing or other purposes.

Your Choices:
Your control over your information is important to us. You have the right to access, correct, or delete your information. If you have any concerns or questions about your data, please feel free to contact us at

Policy Changes:
We may update our privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be communicated to you, and your continued use of our services implies your acceptance of the revised policy. You agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy by using our services.

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